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For our senior design capstone project, we decided to rebrand Alvin Ord's Sandwich Shop. This website shows our process and product!


The problem with Alvin Ord's is that they have no story, vision, mission, or values. Their target audience does not know who they are and their internet presence is nonexistent.


Our solution to this problem is to re-brand Alvin Ord's. To do this we will create new brand guidelines, develop their mission and value statements, and create a marketing plan in order to better reach their target audience. 

We needed to change Alvin Ord's story

...a grungy sandwich shop?


New mission

"Our mission is to serve as an inclusive establishment where individuals can partake in a satisfying meal, discover a sense of belonging, and depart with a lasting imprint of their presence."

New values

"We value the San Marcos community in high esteem and are resolute in our commitment to featuring local musical talents, offering locally-sourced curiosities, and fostering connections among people."

New vision

​"Our vision is to become a delightful destination for a lunchtime respite, catering not only to the college community but also welcoming anyone seeking to forge enduring memories with friends."

New audience

Alvin Ord's current audience is existing customers over the age of 40. Since they are situated in a college town, we want to make the new target audience Texas State college students. We don't want to push out the old audience, rather bring in a new group as well!

New branding

Our entire brand identity can be defined as a retro mom and pop shop! The new logos use retro fonts and colors but modern design in order to reach our new target audience. Since a lot of the population of students in San Marcos enjoy throwbacks but also follow trends.


Primary logo 
secondary logos 

In order to keep within the theme, we used Pain De Mie as the primary font of the website and logo due to its aesthetically soft friendliness and fun approachability. It brings a retro yet modern touch to our rebrand which is exactly what we were going for.

Primary Font 

ABC 123

Pain De Mie Regular

For our secondary font, we used a variation of the Lulo font. Also described as a friendly retro font we decided this would be a good fit as a secondary due to readability and fitting ambiance.

Secondary Font 

ABC 123

Lulo clean

Finally, for our paragraph font, we went with a font from the Avenir family, something that was easy to read like Futura but more modern and less geometric to add character.

Paragraph font

ABC 123

Avenir Light

For the colors, we decided to stick to the theme of retro. Red was originally the main color and we wanted to keep that. However, we added yellow, blue, and secondary colors to create more complex designs. These colors scream fun and excitement and that is one of the feelings we want to convey.

Primary colors




Secondary colors





Now that Alvin Ord's has a new identity, we needed to get our new audience's attention. Since our target audience is students, we have decided that online is the best place to start. We have opened an Instagram and created a website to start Alvin Ord's online presence.

video 1.png
video 2.png

We followed the suggestion of coming up with a way to get local businesses to help promote Alvin Ords by having coupons inside their locations to get customers to come into the shop after visiting other businesses. 

Asset 7_4x.png

We also planned a launch event to draw attention to our new face for Alvin Ord's. For this event, we showcased Alvin Ord's famous sourdough bread. When you come to the event there will be handouts of sourdough starter kits, a live demonstration on how to use them, and a Q&A session. 

We will also be live streaming and catching content as we go to post on our Instagram account.

Alvin Ord's New story

"Our mission is to serve as an inclusive establishment where individuals can partake in a satisfying meal, discover a sense of belonging, and depart with a lasting imprint of their presence."

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